Collab with Kai
客製服務 | Customized Service
Whether you are looking to have an event sponsored, collaborate on a new project, or need kombucha made with your specialty tea -- Kai Kombucha has you covered.
原料供應 | 產品開發 | 品牌聯名
您有上等的茶葉希望開發成獨家商品嗎? 希望為您的客人提供與眾不同的體驗? 讓Kai康普茶協助您, 將您的好茶透過獨家的釀造工法,製成獨一無二的專屬康普茶。身為台灣康普茶的釀造先驅,Kai 具備超越業界的發酵與R&D技術, 我們不僅注重康普茶的風味與品質,也針對康普茶的機能性和一致性做了許多努力, 在這個求新求變的時代,相信必定能為您的產品與品牌帶來更多附加價值與具有競爭力的價格!
Do you have a special tea that you'd like to use to make kombucha? Kai Kombucha's unique process can be applied to produce your own private-label kombucha. The consumer wants traditionally brewed kombucha, and traditional brewing methods leave the kombucha with an authentic and ethically produced identity.
Kai understands your name is your reputation, and we guarantee to provide products that will not only uphold, but enhance your brand's reputation. With a facility tailor-made for kombucha production, ours brews exceed the competition in flavor, health benefits, and consistency.
大宗禮品 | 客製化禮盒 | 活動合作
Besides Kai Kombucha's high-quality kombucha products, we also provide customized services. Whether you're hosting private events, corporate team building, or looking for festive gifts, please don't hesitate to fill out the form below. We are happy to work with you!