喜歡挑戰新事物及自我實踐的Ross & Cindy,在2018年創立了Kai Kombucha品牌,開啟了追求健康、天然的康普茶發酵飲之路。 創立Kai Kombucha的起心動念,追溯到數年前的某一天,加拿大籍的Ross無意中嚐到康普茶,認識了這個帶有微酸口感,以紅茶菇釀造的發酵茶飲。康普茶透過天然、單純的釀造過程,卻可以生成富含許多營養價值的飲品,他感到非常有興趣,對於自己的過敏體質來說,也是一種友善的健康飲品新選擇。 2018年,Ross決定邀請太太Cindy,一起開創事業的新旅程——成立Kai Kombucha 開-康普茶。Kai落地於台灣,承襲北美大廠的發酵飲釀製技術,結合中西方的嚴選食材,以天然食材、國際優良的Scoby菌種、低糖含量、無酒精為作為飲品開發四大原則,致力打造風味創新、口感豐富,且能促進腸道健康的康普茶發酵氣泡飲,帶給消費者更優質的飲品新選擇。 Kai Kombucha was started in 2018 by Ross and Cindy, a husband and wife with a dream to bring this delicious probiotic drink to Taiwan. Ross first came across kombucha during college and it opened his eyes to the world of fermented, probiotic foods and beverages. He became interested in the effects of probiotics on well-being after witnessing the effects of kombucha, kefir, and kimchi on himself. When Ross introduced Cindy to kombucha, she was immediately hooked. She loved having a non-alcoholic, low sugar option. She started brewing delicious Kombucha at home on Vancouver Island and experimenting with interesting flavors. When Cindy and Ross went to Taiwan to get married, they couldn’t find kombucha anywhere. It was then that they decided to move to Taiwan to start Kai Kombucha. Kai Kombucha makes the best tasting, highest quality kombucha with low sugar and high probiotics, beneficial yeasts and organic acids. We expertly brew it with our team at the Kai Kombucha Brewery in Taipei.