零售/餐飲經銷合作 | Stock Us


不論您是超市、商店零售品牌或者飯店、咖啡廳、酒吧等餐飲經營者,我們都能為您的店舖加分! Kai康普茶提供的天然發酵氣泡飲,不僅美味更符合健康趨勢,期待帶給您親愛的客人與眾不同的康普茶體驗。 若有店舖用茶,或是試飲需求歡迎聯繫,我們將有專員為您接洽與服務。

Interested in becoming a retailer or distributor of Kai Kombucha and buying in bulk? Whether you are a retailer or restaurant owner, Kai Kombucha is here for you to level up your offerings! For your beloved customers, our kombucha will be a delight to their taste buds and health. If you have business needs for Kai Kombucha, please feel free to contact us!