什麼是康普茶?| What is Kombucha?

    ‘’康普茶‘’是英文‘’Kombucha‘’音譯而來,是一款以茶湯加入糖與共生菌(SCOBY)經數週至數月靜置發酵而成的天然茶飲,不同的茶葉可以釀製成不同風味的康普茶。康普茶相傳是源自於中國的一種古老茶飲,時間可以追朔到秦朝,秦人相信這種飲品可以平衡內臟功能和促進復原能力、強身健體,故稱它為「不朽茶」,後來經西域傳到東歐,再傳入西歐。如今康普茶在歐美國家紅遍大街小巷,許多藝人都是他的忠實粉絲,堪稱是好喝又健康的機能性飲料。 由於康普茶富含天然的有機酸、益生菌、維生素B、茶多酚及葡萄糖醛酸等對人體有益成分,喝起來自然帶有酸的口感。  

    Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed for over two millennia. Tea (white, green, oolong, black) is fermented with cane sugar to produce a slightly acidic-tasting, carbonated tea beverage rich in antioxidants. 

為什麼要喝康普茶呢?| Why Should I Drink Kombucha?

    微酸口感、低糖份含量、健康,是大家對於康普茶的第一印象。除了味蕾感受之外,Kai Kombucha 釀造的天然發酵康普茶,也富含有機酸、益生菌等健康成分,有利於腸胃蠕動、消化吸收,不僅提供了美味的天然發酵氣泡飲,更要與大家一起擁抱健康的體態,給自己一個新飲品選擇! 

    Kombucha is low in sugar and contains probiotics, beneficial acids, enzymes, and antioxidants which can aid digestion and support the immune system. 

    Enjoy it instead of cold tea, sugary soft drinks, or as a healthy alternative to alcohol.

開-康普茶的製造流程 | Kai Kombucha Production Methods

1. 使用多重過濾的RO純水
2. 嚴選台灣烏龍茶葉與USDA蔗糖作為發酵基底,再加入Kai獨家的SCOBY發酵2-4週
3. 康普茶與SCOBY共生發酵合作,分解茶湯中的糖與養份,產生許多對人體有益的茶多酚與益生菌等成分
4. 加入花草、水果與香草二次發酵,給予康普茶更豐富的氣泡口感
5. 每一瓶康普茶都是我們手工精釀、裝瓶,注入滿滿的愛

1. Use carbon filtered RO water to infuse Taiwan Organic oolong tea at optimal temperature
2. Add the highest quality USDA fair-trade cane sugar to feed our proprietary symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast imported from North America
3. Let our culture break down the sugars into organic acids such as glucuronic acid
4. After optimal acid and antioxidant development, about 2-4 weeks, infuse with fruit, flowers and herbs for second fermentation
5. Bottle by hand by our lovely staff in our TFDA approved kombucha brewery

Frequently Asked Questions


    Our flavors are completely the product of what we do on the front-end of the brewing process. We have fine-tuned our recipes of high-quality organic teas, herbs, and dried fruits that are steeped together to make our flavor profiles. Our kombucha is brewed by us, at the Kai Kombucha Brewery, rather than being produced or formulated by a beverage factory. This gives us the highest level of control to make sure we produce the very best kombucha.

    開-康普茶致力於製作100%天然、發酵精釀真正的康普茶。它能協助抗氧化、促進新陳代謝助消化、並維持健康的腸道菌叢生態。讓飲用康普茶融入您的飲食日常裡,我們想傳達的是 - 讓您天天: 開懷、開心、開胃。

    Kai Kombucha is brewed with the highest quality organic local teas, USDA approved, fair-trade organic cane sugar, and reverse-osmosis filtered water. We use our completely proprietary SCOBY to ferment our kombucha until the antioxidants and organic acids have reach their peak. At this point our kombucha is delightfully acidic and clean-tasting. We then infuse with whole organic fruits, flowers and herbs. Kai Kombucha is 100% raw, authentic kombucha with no artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors. It is truly a great low sugar, non-alcoholic, healthy choice.


    Each 330 ml bottle of Kai Kombucha contains approximately 30 mg of caffeine. Compare that to a cup of coffee which contains about 95 mg, and same amount of green tea has about 60 mg.


    Absolutely not! Kai Kombucha is raw, unpasteurized, fully fermented kombucha rich in probiotics. We control every aspect of the brewing and fermenting process so that our kombucha is the most healthy and delicious kombucha you will find.

    康普茶的製成過程裡由: 茶、酵母菌、醋酸菌、乳酸菌與蔗糖一同發酵。在發酵過程裡,蔗糖用以供給菌叢們足夠的養分,待發酵過程趨近完成時,糖已經分解至低糖的比例,您可以參照開康普茶的營養標示說明來選用。

    In order for the fermentation to start, there must be three elements: Tea, Sugar, and SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). Sugar feeds the yeast and bacteria; after some time it’s turned into water, CO2, acetic acid, lactic acid, gluconic acid, glucuronic acid, antioxidants, trace amounts of alcohol, and other healthy components. We don’t add extra sugar after the fermentation is finished.


    Kai Kombucha is certified Taiwan and USDA organic. We always use the highest quality ingredients including local, and raw ingredients. We never use any artificial flavor, sweetener, or color. Kai Kombucha is non-GMO and always gluten free.


    Alcohol is a natural by-product of fermentation. The beneficial bacteria consume the ethanol to create the beneficial organic acids. We test every batch to ensure alcohol content is below 0.5%. If you’re pregnant or allergic to alcohol, please consult your doctor before drinking a kombucha.