想維持腸道健康?5個天然保健秘訣跟著做!幫助消化運動、食物、穴道整理 - Kai Kombucha | 開-康普茶

Want to maintain your gut health? 5 natural health tips to follow! Helps digestion, exercise, food, and acupoint organization

Modern people often have irregular meals and chaotic schedules due to their busy work schedules, causing their gastrointestinal tract to protest loudly! According to a survey by Chinese Health Network , 75% of Taiwanese people have experienced gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms, with "bloating, gastric bloating, and indigestion" being the highest proportion.

Feeling bloated after eating just a little bit? It is likely that the intestinal flora is imbalanced!

There are hundreds of reasons for flatulence, including dietary habits, allergies, and even emotions, which can lead to more air in the gastrointestinal tract than gas being expelled, giving us the uncomfortable feeling of gastrointestinal distension and pain. In fact, our intestines and stomach are home to more than 100 trillion microorganisms , including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. According to the recommendations of the American "Prevention" magazine , if you often have gas, constipation, or diarrhea, be careful that the intestinal flora may Something has gone wrong.

In addition to taking stomach medicine and seeing a doctor every day, how can we improve our digestive health? This article will share 5 natural health care methods to cultivate good habits of taking care of the gastrointestinal tract, so that the gastrointestinal tract will no longer be your enemy!

1. The first method to help digestion: good eating habits

The basics of intestinal health definitely start with good habits. If you want to avoid bloating, put down your phone and concentrate on eating! Chewing slowly and eating three meals at regular intervals can prevent a large amount of food from entering the intestines and stomach at once, causing unnecessary burden on the digestive system. In addition, if you talk continuously while eating, it will also increase the gas intake and accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, causing abdominal distension and pain after meals.


2. Incorporate foods that aid digestion into your daily diet

" Digestive health " is receiving increasing attention, and many people will supplement enzymes and probiotics to help digestion to change the flora ecology and make defecation smoother. In fact, these nutrients that are good for the stomach and intestines can also be obtained in food! In addition to vegetables and fruits, naturally fermented foods are also recommended by nutritionists and gastrointestinal experts to help digestion and health care, including miso, kimchi, yogurt and kombucha (also known as kombucha) , which has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. They are all rich in nutrients. Natural fermented foods containing probiotics.

※Many commercially available fermented foods add too much sugar, salt or artificial additives for seasoning. Please pay special attention to choosing products that are natural, additive-free, low in sugar and sodium to avoid adding unnecessary burden to the body.


3. Take a walk after meals and do exercises to help digestion

When you've had enough wine and food, don't lie down yet! If you are used to lying down after eating and find that you often feel a burning sensation in your chest, it may be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux . To avoid this problem, in addition to "standing" as a posture that helps digestion, you can also do simple and gentle exercises after meals, such as walking slowly, stretching and other gentle movements to promote gastrointestinal motility and effectively help digest food.

4. Press the acupoints to help digestion

Modern people sit for long periods of time at work and move less, which naturally leads to difficulty in digesting food and causing flatulence. In addition to walking around more or stretching, Chang'an Hospital's doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Liao Tuting pointed out in the Health 2.0 article that if you eat too much or have gastrointestinal discomfort, traditional Chinese medicine recommends pressing acupoints, especially "Shou Sanli", "Hegu", "Nei" "Guan acupoint" three acupoints to improve the problem of flatulence.

5. Stress and Emotion Management

Have you ever experienced diarrhea due to nervousness or an appetite when you were in a good mood? Columbia University professor Michael D. Gershon published an article in Scientific American stating that "emotions are affected by the enteric nervous system." In contrast, our emotions also affect the operation of the gastrointestinal system. After schoolwork and work, we should cooperate with stress-relieving activities, such as exercise, yoga, or chatting with relatives and friends to reminisce. These can help us maintain a good mood and sleep, help digestion and gastrointestinal health, and naturally reduce flatulence. Much less!


Kai Kombucha's kombucha is a naturally fermented drink that is slightly sour and smooth. It is not only low in sugar but also rich in tea polyphenols, organic acids, probiotics, glucuronic acid and other ingredients. It is beneficial to promote gastrointestinal motility, digestion and absorption, and aids metabolism. It is A drink that aids digestion. In addition, the sweet, sour and refreshing taste of Kai Kombucha has become the best drink for family dinners and friends' parties. It is in line with modern people who pay attention to health but do not want to sacrifice delicious natural gas drinks.

Next time you choose a drink, try Kai Kombucha. In addition to satisfying your taste buds, it is also gentle on your baby’s stomach!

Further reading:

>>Want to drink Kai now? Buy Kai Kombucha Online

>>Learn more about craft kombucha: The brewing process of Kai Kombucha

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